Mielosios damos, šiandien noriu pratęsti temą apie prabangius kosmetikos produktus ir pasidalinti savo nuomonę "Ar verta mokėti brangiau?"
Gamintojo aprašymas:
Tai akių srities odą atjauninantis kremas, kuris atlieka kelias funkcijas vienu metu ir veikia septynis svarbiausius veiksnius, sendinančius odą aplink akis, maksimaliai sustangrindamas, patempdamas ir drėkindamas. Užtikrina drėkinimą 24 valandas.
Talpa: 20 ml.
Kaina: 840 lt (JAV) parduotuvėse, kiek kainuoja Lietuvoje, nežinau...
Įpakavimas (pas mane mėginukas):
Na o dabar rezultatas:
po 3 savaičių...
English version:
Dear ladies, today I want to extend the theme of luxury skincare products and share their opinions "Is it worth it to pay more?
Rich, Firming and Lifting Eye Cream
The ultimate caviar de-ageing treatment for the delicate skin surrounding the eyes. The results are unparalleled. Skin Caviar Luxe Eye Lift Cream targets the seven most prominent eye area agers – fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, loss of elasticity, feeling of puffiness, dark under eye circles and dryness – with an incredibly smooth texture that melts into skin. The luxury is touchable. The results, remarkable.
My opinion:
You understand perfectly the same and you know that La Prairie tester is almost impossible to get , so I think no one will be at the news that their tester I also bought . I want to say right away that the tester and La Prairie creams impressive package . Everything is made very carefully , tester package close to cream packaging, the only difference is size: the usual cream 20 gr . , and 3 gr tester .
Now I want to tell you about the impact. Spontaneous understandable for the price I was hoping for a miracle ... Remember my wishes and requirements for eye cream were as follows:
quickly absorbed and does not leave an oily film
Cream eye makeup to work because sometimes from fat is to use additional measures to keep the eye make-up .
eliminate signs of fatigue
remove black eye tags
my first remove wrinkles
well to hydrate and nourish eye area
La Prairie cream texture is oily enough , the cream should be given time to soak in , a minum of 15-20 min . Due to its oily consistency lacquers nourishing cream , after all Experiment time with me is more than half of the tester , and I used spare no twice a day, morning and evening.
After a few days I realized that the cream give too little time to soak in , because my Chanel'o mascara black mark became visible eye area.
Now, about the pluses: good cream nourishes and moisturizes the eye area has very nice just felt breathless. Fatigue does not remove the tags , you need to sleep more ... ;-) What surprised it left the fold to where it was. I agree , my wrinkles are barely visible , and only begins, but damn I want cream for such expensive eliminate them all . And they stayed in their place.
I decided to give La Prairie cream another chance and I took my mother tentative cream ( I bought two wrappers ) . Mom depth and large folds also remained in place. In fact, the cream has a good nutritive qualities , so provided under eye skin area was dry , wrinkles become less visible.
My opinion:
You understand perfectly the same and you know that La Prairie tester is almost impossible to get , so I think no one will be at the news that their tester I also bought . I want to say right away that the tester and La Prairie creams impressive package . Everything is made very carefully , tester package close to cream packaging, the only difference is size: the usual cream 20 gr . , and 3 gr tester .
Now I want to tell you about the impact. Spontaneous understandable for the price I was hoping for a miracle ... Remember my wishes and requirements for eye cream were as follows:
quickly absorbed and does not leave an oily film
Cream eye makeup to work because sometimes from fat is to use additional measures to keep the eye make-up .
eliminate signs of fatigue
remove black eye tags
my first remove wrinkles
well to hydrate and nourish eye area
La Prairie cream texture is oily enough , the cream should be given time to soak in , a minum of 15-20 min . Due to its oily consistency lacquers nourishing cream , after all Experiment time with me is more than half of the tester , and I used spare no twice a day, morning and evening.
After a few days I realized that the cream give too little time to soak in , because my Chanel'o mascara black mark became visible eye area.
Now, about the pluses: good cream nourishes and moisturizes the eye area has very nice just felt breathless. Fatigue does not remove the tags , you need to sleep more ... ;-) What surprised it left the fold to where it was. I agree , my wrinkles are barely visible , and only begins, but damn I want cream for such expensive eliminate them all . And they stayed in their place.
I decided to give La Prairie cream another chance and I took my mother tentative cream ( I bought two wrappers ) . Mom depth and large folds also remained in place. In fact, the cream has a good nutritive qualities , so provided under eye skin area was dry , wrinkles become less visible.
Mano nuomonė:
Jus pačios puikiai supratote ir žinote, kad La Prairie mėginukų gauti beveik neįmanoma, todėl manau niekam ne bus naujiena, kad savo mėginukus aš irgi pirkau. Iškarto noriu pasakyti, kad mėginukų ir La Prairie kremų įpakavimas įspūdingi. Viskas padaryta labai kruopščiai, mėginuko įpakavimas beveik atitinka kremo įpakavimu, skirtumas tik tūris: įprastas kremas 20 gr., mėginukas 3 gr.
Dabar noriu papasakoti apie poveikį. Savaimes suprantama už tokią kainą aš tikėjausi stebuklo... prisiminate mano norai ir reikalavimai paakių kremui buvo tokie:
- greitai įsigeria, nepalieka riebaus sluoksnio
pašalinti nuovargio žymes
pašalinti juodas paakių žymes
pašalinti mano pirmąsias raukšles
gerai drėkinti ir maitinti paakių zoną
La Prairie kremo tekstūra pakankamai riebi, kremui reikia duoti laiko įsigerti, minimum 15-20 min., dėl savo riebios konsistencijos kremas labai skalsus, po viso eksperemento laiko pas mane liko daugiau nei pusė mėginuko, o aš naudojau negailėdama du kartus per dieną ryte ir vakare.
Po poros dienų aš supratau, kad duodu kremui per mažai laiko įsigerti, nes mano Chanel'o tušo juodos žymės tapo matomais paakų zonoje.
Dabar apie pliusus: kremas gerai maitina ir drėkina paakių zoną, turi labai malonu, vos jaučiamą kvapą. Nuovargių žymių nepašalina, reikia miegoti daugiau... ;-) kas nustebino, tai raukšlės liko ten kur ir buvo. Sutinku, mano raukšlės vos matomos ir tik prasidėda, tačiau aš velniškai noriu, kad kremas už tokius pingus jas visas panaikintų. O jos liko savo vietoje.
Aš nusprendžiau duoti La Prairie kremui dar vieną galimybę ir nunešiau kremą pabandymui mamai (aš pirkau du įpakavimus). Mamos gylios ir didelės raukšlės irgi liko savo vietoje. Tiesą sakant, kremas turi geras maitinamąsias savybes, todėl jeigu paakių zonos odą buvo sausa, raukšlės tampa mažiau matomos.
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