Gamintojo aprašymas:
"Šiaurės kolekcija":
Šaltalankių aliejus minkština, tonizuoja, maitina ir gerina odos elastingumą.
Schisandra išgaunama Tolimuosiuse Rytuose - veiksmingai tonizuoja veido odą, aktyviai dalyvauja medžiagų apykaitos procesuose, apsaugo veido odą nuo neigiamo aplinkos poveikio.
Sibiro kedro aliejuje yra vitamino E, kuris drėkina ir stiprina odą, reguliuoja odos ląstelių atsinaujinimą procesus.
Linų sėklų aliejus turi prieš uždegiminį ir anti septinį poveikį. Juose esantis vitaminas F gydo odos uždegimo procesus.
Tekšių ekstraktas savo sudėtyje turi vitamino C, poli nesočiųjų riebalų rūgščių Omega-3 ir Omega-6 ir aktioksidantų. Jie efektyviai atkuria odą ir apsaugo ją nuo išorinių poveikių.
Bruknių ekstraktas stimuliuoja odos ląstelių medžiagų apykaitą, gerina odos tonusą ir elastingumą, ir turi žaizdų gijimo ir prieš uždegiminį poveikį.
Aviečių sėklų aliejus turi prieš uždegiminių ir baktericidinį poveikį.
Talpa:120 ml.
Kaina: 41 lt
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English version:
My acquaintance with the Natura Siberica started in a very long time. At first, I bought a hair shampoo and balsam, now I can not remember which, at that time my hair was dark and greasy, so it's probably for oily hair. I did not like the result, and for a long time desire to try something from nature Siberikos was not. Russian blogger comments about cosmetics I read constantly, and in a week I have read more than five positive reviews about the soap, than I decided to buy ... At the moment, this is the 3th pack of this soap for face. Why I like this product so much I will tell you today ...
Rich in precious oils and vitamins, the useful properties of northern herbs and berries have been renowned since ancient times. Northern people have traditionally used them to make healing decoctions and infusions, which helped them to restore strength, maintain health, and give remarkable life power and youth. Natura Sibirica's specialists have thoroughly collected and studied the ancient recipes of northern people - the Nenets, The Selkups, the Khants- and have formulated a unique natural product –Northern Detoxifying Soap for Deep Purification of Face Skin. This soap is produced based on charcoal – a highly-effective absorbent, which easily absorbs impurities from skin pores - and our “Northern mixture” – oils and extracts of wild herbs and berries, picked in the North of Russia and Siberia. Northern soap has wonderful purifying, antioxidant, moisturizing and soothing properties, thanks to oblepikha oil and nanai limonnik, contained in its formula.
Charcoal is produced from ecologically pure material –weeping birch wood (Betula pendula) – by exposing it to steam at high temperatures, and later splitting and dispersing it. This production method gives it a micropore structure capable of absorbing maximum impurities.
"Northern mixture":
Charcoal is produced from ecologically pure material –weeping birch wood (Betula pendula) – by exposing it to steam at high temperatures, and later splitting and dispersing it. This production method gives it a micropore structure capable of absorbing maximum impurities.
"Northern mixture":
- Oblepikha oil softens, tones, nourishes, and increases skin elasticity.
- Nanai limonnik extract is an effective toning treatment. It actively participates in stimulating metabolism processes, providing skin with reliable protection against environmental aggressors.
- Siberian ceder oil contains vitamin E and vitamin P, which soften, moisturize and firm skin, and regulate skin renewal processes.
- Flaxseed oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Vitamin F in its formula heals skin inflammations.
- Extract of dwarf birch buds effectively moisturize skin to facilitate its regeneration, has a toning effect, soothes and rejuvenates skin, restores its natural complexion and suppleness, and makes it soft and gentle.
- Cloudberry extract has vitamin C, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, and antioxidants. It effectively restores skin and protects it from environmental damage.
- Crunberry extract stimulates skin cell renewal processes, enhances tone and elasticity, and has multi-healing and antibacterial properties.
- Sakhalin raspberry pit oil has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
From my photos You could ease see the result: the face becomes smoother, pores are less visible visually, soap regulates sebum, making your face is no longer fat, but not very dry, as usually from regular soaps. Also soap whitens the skin and eliminates redness of the face. Using constant (twice a week) you can see a better result. Soap has a prior inflammatory properties, so the appearance of acne can be forgotten.
I recommend Natures Siberikos soap for those who have oily skin-problematic. This is one of the best Siberica Natura products.
And now look at the video of the detox soap .
Mano nuomonė:
Iš mano padarytų nuotraukų puikiai matosi rezultatas: veidas tampa lygesnis, poros vizualiai mažiau matomos, muilas reguliuoja riebalų išsiskyrimą, todėl veidas gaunasi jau nebe toks riebus, tačiau ir ne visai sausas. Taip pat muilas balina veido odą ir naikina veido raudonį. Naudojant pastoviai (du kartus per savaitę) rezultatas matosi geriau. Muilas turi prieš uždegimines savybes, todėl apie spuogų atsiradimą galima užmiršti.
Rekomenduoju Naturos Siberikos muilą tiems, kas turi riebią-probleminę veido odą. Tai vienas iš geriausių Natura Siberica produktų.
O dabar žiūrime filmuką apie Detox muilą...
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